What's the most important advice or lesson that you would share with anyone considering a transition?

Responses from Navy Warrant Officers
(W1-5 regardless of education, years of service, specialty, age or gender)


Don't depend on any one or any organization to help you, you're on your own.


Attitude. The attitude and can do spirit of the retiring individual is refreshing to the civilian workforce. But it can also be a ball and chain because your civilian counter parts do not have the same can do attitude. Be understanding and respectful of your civilian counter parts. Some of them have never been what you have been through and never will. So your attitude which has been establish from 20 plus years of battle tested fortitude may be a little much for the your new co-workers so tone it down till they get to know you.


1. If all possible try not to retire while on deployment, retire before or after; 2. About 2yrs out start working on your retirement process; 3. Start net working for Government/DOD Jobs prior to leaving, Transitioning is a lot easier going to government to government than it is Civilian to government; 4. Take a class in writing resume's, Prewrite your resume should be 1 to 2 pages tops, learn how to write like a civilian not like your still in the military civilians do not know or understand the military ways; 5. Everything stated above should be related to a military course.Boot camp was 8 weeks long and Tap Class 5 days Tops, don't take this wrong it does provide you with good info, just isn't long enough, in other words here's your completion certificate good luck have a nice day and thank you for your service.


Focus on resumes when you are in ACAP, especially the Federal one. Do your VA Claim immediately after discharge. On your ETS Physical list EVERY ache and pain, both mental and physical.


When you pick your retirement home make sure there are jobs in the area.


Attend the transition class at least twice. -pay close attention to VA Claim process -Write a resume for peer review -NETWORK !!! NETWORK leads to opening doors for potietional emplooyers.